

 STEM  STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. According to many students, only who smart can only take it. Like basic calculus and general physics are the famous because its the hardest subjects, including general chemistry. But a student like me take that strand undecided. STEM STUDENT Being a stem students is one of the hardest thing I ever done. Taking the strand undecided and enter it. I don't know exactly what I take stem strand. Some said its good to hear that words, their are handsome boys who love math and many more. But for me, I just want to take it. No reason, no explanation. It actually have a story of it so I will share it. Pandemic came so all the school and homes are in lockdown. Fast forward, school year came and its enrolling time. My mom wants me to take GAS strand in my last school (LDLHHS) and I agreed of it. But as time pass by I realize I want to take stem strand but the enrolling time in my school are going to be cut off. But in the end, I